Monday, June 28, 2010

Another week begins

We had an eventful weekend here in the Kohns household. I decided to take Keyana on a surprise trip to the zoo Friday. She had a blast. This year we purchased a zoo pass. I highly recommend this! Instead of trying to pack the entire zoo into one day, we can take our time and see different things each trip. Friday we finally got to ride the train. Keyana held onto her brother the entire time and made sure to point out all the cool stuff along the way.

The rest of the weekend involved getting the house cleaned up and, of course, relaxing. We have a busy week ahead of us. I began a new class today: American History to 1877. Exciting, I know. It's crazy how a semesters worth of material and information is jam packed into 5 weeks. I look forward to it though, because it helps me get one class closer to a degree.

This week will also be spent preparing ourselves and the house for a weekend full of family and parties! Our friend Ella will be turning one on July 1st. And of course, Desmond will be one on July 4th! We are looking forward to having some of Shane's family here for all the excitement!

Until next time....

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The adventure begins

I have never had a blog before. I guess there is a first time for everything. Let me begin by introducing myself.

I am a stay-at-home mom and a full-time student. I have two kids. Keyana is four and crazy. Desmond will be one on July 4th. They drive me crazy, but I love them. I like to think I'm a good mom, but I still have a lot to learn. Someday I hope to have my degree in English Education. It has taken me a long time to get this far, but I'm proud to say I'm still going.

I've been married to Shane for almost five years. He drives me crazy, but I love him. He's an amazing husband and father, and I don't know what I would do without him.

This is my family.

Aren't we cute?

Anyway, I hope this blog helps me stay updated with family and friends. I might even try to add some exciting tips I learn along the way. So stay tuned, because there's plenty more to come.